Rapid weight loss in Dubai

Weight Loss in Dubai

According to the World Population Review, the obesity rate in the UAE is 37.2%, one of the highest in the world. Despite the abundance of weight loss resources in Dubai, the journey can be detrimental – developing a healthy relationship with food and achieving better body composition is essential. The number on the weighing scale is only sometimes as significant or even medically relevant as much as being healthy holistically. While abundant resources are available for weight loss, developing a healthy relationship with food and aiming for better body composition rather than just losing weight is essential. The focus on weight loss has led to a cultural obsession with weight, body image disorders, low self-esteem, unrealistic beauty standards, and BMI. The article discusses the intricacies of dieting and weight loss and how to overcome the chronic dieting mentality through intuitive and mindful eating. This article also covers meal plans, health food, weight loss programs, retreats, and nutritionists available in Dubai for weight loss. Some meal plans, like the Mediterranean diet, are much better than crash diets or other highly restrictive diets. This article aims to shift the weight loss approach to considering factors beyond the weighing scale and inculcate a sense of self-acceptance and body positivity without harming physical or mental health. Sustainable weight loss is a long-term process that requires consistent, gradual and implementable lifestyle changes without breaking the bank, over-obsessing over the scale, or restricting food groups.

Why is weight loss important?

Excess weight can increase the risk of several health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. By losing weight, individuals in Dubai can improve their overall health and reduce their risk of developing these conditions. Unfortunately, weight loss has become a complicated path, with many conflicting opinions and methods.

How many of you are victims of “last supper syndrome?” Swearing off all “forbidden” foods after you have that one last meal (usually on a Sunday night) before gearing up for that strict diet that starts Monday. Then come the weekend or the weekend after, you give up and find yourself in the vicious cycle again. Don’t worry; you’re not alone! Chronic dieting, diet mentality and the weight loss industry is a multibillion-dollar business, luring millions of people annually.  How do we overcome this? Intuitive and mindful eating is the antidote to chronic dieting. Let’s rewind to talk about the less commonly discussed intricacies of dieting and weight loss before we delve into more information about how to lose weight and the weight-loss options available in Dubai.  

Why have we become weight obsessed? 

For clinicians, excess body weight has been a primary driver of increased risks and poor outcomes of chronic diseases like Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. As a result, weight loss has become the primary focus of many health and wellness-based consults. This emphasis on weight loss as the key to health has led to much criticism because it fostered a cultural obsession with weight, body image disorders, low self-esteem, unrealistic beauty standards and BMI. These are heavily weighted, deserve their own merit and can lead to a host of negative emotional and physical consequences if not dealt with appropriately.

Dieting can lead to paradigm shifts in appetite regulation, metabolism, and weight loss. Generally, the short-term outcomes of a restrictive diet can be seemingly “effective” and “motivating” because you start losing weight on the scale (most likely due to a loss of water, muscle and fat).  However, as this goes on over long periods, your body starts to go into chronic starvation mode leading to a massive increase in hunger hormones (ghrelin), a reduction in fullness & satiety hormones (leptin, GLP1), and an increase in stress hormones (cortisol). The hormone imbalance makes it extremely difficult to sustain dieting for long periods, especially when the weight on the scale does not drop as quickly as it did over the first few weeks. Your body has started to slow down its metabolism to conserve fat in chronic starvation or deprivation. Eventually, when you finally begin to give in, eat normally or stop your diet, your body adapts and goes through a process called  “preferential fat catch up”, where it retains more free fat mass than lean mass. The result? You’re left with more fat, less lean mass (the most metabolically active tissue in the body) and many negative emotions! 

This process can often lead to yo-yo dieting, or weight cycling, a pattern of weight loss and gain that occurs when an individual repeatedly goes on and off diets. Yo-yo dieting can have several metabolic consequences, including a reduction in metabolism, increased insulin resistance, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, elevated inflammation and changes in hunger-satiety hormones leading to craving and a lower threshold for hyperphagia.  

There’s no doubt that weight loss is, and it’s essential to shift our approach and consider factors beyond the weighing scale. This system inculcates a sense of self-acceptance and body positivity without harming one’s physical or mental health.

Some critical topics we’ll be covering in this blog are:

  1. Meal plans and health food for weight loss in Dubai
  2. Weight loss programs and challenges in Dubai
  3. Meal plans and health food for weight loss in Dubai
  4. Weight loss retreats in Dubai
  5. Nutritionists in Dubai for weight loss
  6. Rapid weight loss in Dubai

Meal plans and health food for weight loss in Dubai

A survey by the Dubai Health Authority found that the average daily calorie intake of adults in Dubai is 2,800 calories, which is higher than the recommended amount for most people. However, simple shifts in the type of food consumed can have a significant impact. A whole-food diet is a healthy, sustainable way to eat that emphasises nutrient-dense, minimally processed foods. The Mediterranean diet is often considered a whole-food diet because it emphasises consuming whole, minimally processed foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins like fish and poultry. The diet also includes healthy fats, such as olive oil, and limits the intake of processed foods, refined sugars, and saturated fats.

This diet is rich in nutrients and is associated with various health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer. The diet is high in antioxidants, fibre, and healthy fats, which can help reduce inflammation, improve blood sugar control, and support overall health and well-being. Some of the benefits of this diet include:

Higher nutrient density: Whole foods are generally more nutrient-dense than processed foods. They contain various vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds essential for overall health and well-being. Eating a diet rich in whole foods can help ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs to function optimally.

Rich fibre content: Whole foods are often rich in fibre, vital for digestive health, weight management, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Reduced inflammation: Whole foods are generally anti-inflammatory, meaning they can help reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation has been linked to various health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune disorders.

Improved blood sugar control: Eating a whole-food diet can help regulate blood sugar levels, vital for preventing and managing type 2 diabetes.

By providing the body with the nutrients it needs and reducing inflammation, a whole-food diet can contribute to better overall health and a reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Weight loss programs and challenges in Dubai

Dubai has many gyms, fitness centres, personal trainers, health clinics, and nutritionists that offer a variety of weight loss programs and services. It all comes down to picking a health program that works best for you and your body:

  1. Gradual behaviour changes: Pick a program that will allow you to gradually make small behavioural changes, not programs that try to initiate sweeping changes in your diet and lifestyle. The Sustain Health program, for example, focuses on helping you make small, manageable changes rather than a completely new diet or exercise regimen. 
  2. Not an all-or-nothing approach: Good health programs focus on the quality of the food, a change in your mindset concerning food and tangible health outcomes like blood results. Weight loss is usually a by-product of these other changes. 
  3. Flexible and sustainable: For long-term change, a flexible and sustainable program with your work and home life is the best option for lasting change. A study published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health found that only 33.4% of adults in the UAE meet the recommended levels of physical activity, partly due to the rigidity in how we think about exercise. Compared to these rigid gym routines, a good program is non-restrictive and will promote joyful movement, or movement that feels good to your body.
  4. Affordable: Optimizing your health shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg! Pick a sustainable health program – both for your body and for your wallet!

Weight loss clinics, surgery, and tablets in Dubai

GLP-1 analogues are medications that mimic the action of the hormone GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) in the body. GLP-1 is a hormone that is naturally produced in the intestine in response to food intake, and it stimulates the production of insulin, which helps regulate blood sugar levels

GLP-1 analogues are used to treat type 2 diabetes. They work by activating the GLP-1 receptor in the body, leading to increased insulin production and decreased glucagon production (glucagon is another hormone that raises blood sugar levels). This results in better blood sugar control and improved glucose metabolism.

In addition to their blood sugar-lowering effects, GLP-1 analogues also have several other benefits, including:

Reduced appetite: GLP-1 analogues can help reduce appetite, leading to weight loss in some individuals.

Improved cardiovascular health: Some GLP-1 analogues have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in people with type 2 diabetes.

Potential neuroprotective effects: GLP-1 analogues may have neuroprotective effects, which could make them useful in treating neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

GLP-1 analogues are administered by injection, once daily or once weekly, and they can have side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. They are generally considered safe and effective medications for treating type 2 diabetes. Still, such medications should be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional and only for patients who meet the proper criteria. 

However, due to the recent buzz around using these injections and supplements by celebrities, more normal-weight individuals are considering using them for weight loss. Inappropriate use by individuals who do not have diabetes, in incorrect dosages and unsupervised situations, will lead to many adverse side effects. 

Nutritionists in Dubai for weight loss

When choosing a nutritionist in Dubai or anywhere, it’s essential to understand how the relationship with them will work. Having a medical professional who will keep you accountable, support you with changes in your lifestyle and help you implement small changes is critical to the success of your health journey. 

A multi-disciplinary nutritionist is more effective because they can provide a more comprehensive and holistic approach to nutrition-related issues. They have the knowledge and skills to cater to various patients and situations. They can collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide a multidisciplinary approach to complex cases.

Rapid weight loss in Dubai

Some weight loss programs in Dubai may promote rapid weight loss claims. While rapid weight loss can provide quick results and motivate individuals to continue their weight loss efforts, it can also lead to nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, rebound weight gain, and other health risks. Some of these health risks are worse than others, including:

Nutrient deficiencies: Rapid weight loss can lead to deficiencies, as people may not get all the nutrients they need through their reduced calorie intake.

Muscle loss: Rapid weight loss can also lead to muscle loss, harming overall health and fitness.

Rebound weight gain: Rapid weight loss is often difficult to sustain, and many people regain the weight they lost (and sometimes more) once they resume their regular eating habits.

Health risks: Extreme calorie restriction and rapid weight loss can also have health risks, such as dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and gallstones.

While the quick results may seem attractive initially, It’s important to approach weight loss sustainably and healthily, focusing on making lifestyle changes that can be maintained over the long term. Rather than “weight loss”, focus more on changing habits and behaviours incrementally, improving your relationship with foods, and growing your mindset. I always tell my patients that even just a 1% better tomorrow is a big win because that means in a 100 days, you’ll be in a different place.
