It is an 8-week doctor-led programme that helps address, improve, and manage your current lifestyle patterns and underlying medical conditions. We focus on nutrition, movement, stress management, sleep, and connection.

Yes, this programme is great for individuals with a chronic disease and those who want to optimise their lifestyle to prevent the development and onset of chronic disease.

Though we cannot guarantee results, our patients usually find an improvement in parameters like blood glucose levels, lipid levels, and vitamin levels. We also find patients feel more energetic, improve their relationship with food, and learn what works best for them.

The Lifestyle Reset Programme is not a replacement for medications, but merely an adjunct and foundational pillar to helping you manage your health journey better.

We do not have the services to provide a training programme, but we can work in collaboration with your trainer or gym to help achieve the goals you want to achieve.

We do not believe in diets, restriction, or a rigid approach. The Lifestyle Reset Programme teaches you how to manage your meals.

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